11842 Rim Rock Trail, Austin, TX (HQ} | 512-329-0031 | info@amaterra.com

Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Services

Bring a cutting-edge aerial perspective to your next project! AmaTerra’s Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS; aka “Drone”) Group collects valuable and exciting environmental, biological, and cultural resource data in a safe and cost-effective manner using their in-house drone platforms. AmaTerra’s team of FAA Part 107-certified remote pilots are available to collect high-quality imagery for analysis, mapping, engagement, and much more.

Low-Altitude Aerial Photography / Orthoimagery
Drones can document large areas with immense detail at a fraction of the time and/or cost of traditional aircraft- and satellite-based systems. AmaTerra’s sUAS Group uses advanced drone platforms and software to generate:
Detailed still photography and real-time video for site analysis, enhanced ESAs, and field planning
High-resolution, digital ortho-imagery for mapping and reporting
Engaging videography for project outreach and property promotion

Three-Dimensional Terrain and Structure Modeling
AmaTerra’s sUAS team can use Structure-From-Motion (SFM) Photogrammetry software to stitch hundreds of drone photographs or video frames together in three-dimensional space to create precise, geospatially referenced 3D models. Use these models for:
Elevation mapping/ modeling and landform volumetric analysis
Structure and cultural resource documentation
Wetland reconnaissance and extent modeling
Historical trail detection and feature identification

Aerial Biological Assessments and
Habitat Surveys
AmaTerra’s biologists and wetland specialists often work with the sUAS Group. They leverage drone technology for:
Wetland habitat establishment and health assessments (individual or repeated deployments over time)
Biological habitat surveys (e.g., vegetation community, freshwater mussel surveys, etc.)

Project Site
Construction Monitoring
AmaTerra’s sUAS team can visit your construction site and use their drone platform to document a range of aspects of the work being conducted. Look to AmaTerra for:
Stormwater runoff control system inspections and real-time assessments
Excavation volume documentation
Construction progress documentation

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires that anyone who operates a drone in a professional capacity must pass a rigorous Remote Pilot Certification test administered through the FAA. Our pilots are experts in the regulations, operating requirements, and procedures associated with safe drone flights in public airspace.
AmaTerra has FAA Part 107-Certified Remote Pilots and Trained Visual Observers on Staff