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The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is our country’s basic national charter for protection of the environment.  NEPA procedures must ensure that environmental information is available to the public, both officials and citizens, before decisions are made and before actions are taken.  Our NEPA staff are experts in developing accurate scientific analysis, preparing concise and comprehensive documents, conducting public involvement, and coordinating with Federal, State, and Local regulatory entities.


Baseline Studies and Alternatives Analysis


It is essential to identify issues early in the NEPA process. Scoping does just that. AmaTerra has a proven track record of identifying and analyzing issues that may impact your project. We incorporate milestones, budgets, and schedules to meet project and regulatory agency needs.

AmaTerra's stable of technical experts from cultural resources and biology to hazardous waste gathers all of the data necessary for analyses in your NEPA study. Using that data, we develop and evaluate the Proposed Action and potential alternatives.

Rely on the experts at AmaTerra to prepare a professional, concise, defensible NEPA document. Whether it is a Categorical Exclusion (CE), Environmental Assessment (EA), or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), we are dedicated to your project from initial scoping to the final Record of Decision (ROD) or Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI).

Maritime Arch Anchor
Maritime Arch Anchor
Maritime Arch Anchor


AmaTerra’s NEPA staff have prepared all levels of environmental documentation from a simple CE for a bridge replacement to a complex EIS on a new highway route.   We understand the importance of preparing an accurate and appropriate NEPA document. Early planning can prevent potential project delays, avoid cost increases, and ensure that the document addresses the issues and concerns of the decision-makers.



AmaTerra staff prepared a NEPA EA for a proposed major construction effort within the restricted live-fire area of Fort Hood. The project consisted of a proposed Urban Assault Course, Shoot House, and associated support facilities for the U.S. Army. The EA addressed a number of concerns, including: threatened and endangered bird species, wetlands, an adjacent creek, grasslands, cultural resources, and socio-economic issues. The EA received high praise, including a statement from a regulatory agency that “... this is the level of information that should be provided in all documents…”



Client: United States Army
Location: Fort Hood
Take-Away: Highly acclaimed NEPA EA within a DoD live fire facility.
NEPA Environmental Assessment for Urban Assault Course, Fort Hood, Texas

AmaTerra's NEPA experience includes assessing widely differing resources in varying locales.  When a project being considered has an array of undertakings, experience matters.  Here are a few examples of AmaTerra's exemplary work in the world of NEPA:  

NEPA Environmental Assessment for Prather Water Pipeline Improvements Holloman AFB
Client: United States Air Force
Location: Holloman AFB
Take-Away:  NEPA EA with a high public involvement focus.  EA also included an intensive cultural and T&E survey.

AmaTerra staff prepared a NEPA EA for proposed improvements to the Prather Water Supply Pipeline, which is the main water supply line for the base. Extensive field surveys for threatened and endangered species and cultural resources were also performed as part of the EA. Based on the results of the EA and the environmental design measures incorporated as part of the mitigation efforts, it was concluded that the preferred alternative would not have a significant adverse effect on the environment and a FONSI was issued.


Categorical Exclusion for FM 3097
Client: Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), Dallas District through subcontract to Kimley-Horn
Location: City of Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas
Take-Away: Preparation of an added-capacity CE document, approved by both State and Federal Transportation Agencies.

AmaTerra prepared an added-capacity CE for the TxDOT Dallas District and Kimley-Horn for improvements to FM 3097 on the southwest side of the City of Rockwall, Texas. The proposed improvements consisted of widening FM 3097 from a two-lane roadway to a four-lane divided roadway. The project was in a highly developed area with several utilities located within the existing right-of-way. 



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