Houston ... we have liftoff!
AmaTerra is expanding with the opening of another Texas branch office located in the Cypress Creek Executive Suites in Houston. We are...

Dispatches from the 2017 Texas Transportation Forum
With TxDOT celebrating their 100th anniversary this year, the 2017 Texas Transportation Forum certainly had an excuse to look back but it wa

The work continues at the Headwaters of the Comal Project - the Spring Cap is Off!
Watch the video! After 80 years of being covered, a Great Depression-era spring cap over the source of the Comal River is cut away and lifte

Looking forward to working in the Kisatchie National Forest, Louisiana
Recently, AmaTerra was awarded a contract to conduct an archaeological survey of 2,542 acres in Compartments 33, 34, and 371 of the...

AmaTerra Archaeologist Receives White Sands Missile Range Commander's Coin
Exciting news from AmaTerra's team at White Sands Missile Range! Staff archaeologist, Matt Cuba was surprised (literally; he'd been out...
Zoom, Baby! AmaTerra's got Google Fiber!
Austin is one of the lucky cities to get hooked up to Google Fiber, the revolutionary internet service with connection speeds of 1...
The Schneider Beer Vaults; Austin's example of historic preservation fitting the modern world be
As some of you may know, AmaTerra senior archaeologist, Rachel Feit, moonlights as a food writer for the Austin Chronicle. Her most...

AmaTerra congratulates White Sands Missile Range for winning the 2016 Secretary of Defense Environme
Every year the United States Department of Defense honors different installations for superlative service in environmental and cultural...

The City of Austin's Historic Cemeteries Master Plan Receives the Preservation Texas Honor Award
AmaTerra project manager, Mason Miller, had the opportunity to take the stage at the State Theater in downtown Austin in support of Kim...

The Clean Water Rule and You...
The Clean Water Act (CWA) protects the nation’s waters; a CWA permit is needed for activities that would pollute or destroy them. For...