AmaTerra congratulates White Sands Missile Range for winning the 2016 Secretary of Defense Environme
Every year the United States Department of Defense honors different installations for superlative service in environmental and cultural resource management. This year, White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) in southern New Mexico received this prestigious honor, the only awardee for cultural resources.
When interviewed in the Missile Ranger, WSMR's post newspaper, Bill Godby said, “It’s a tremendous honor and opportunity to work at WSMR. The success of our program would not be possible without the continual support of the Army, the WSMR Command and the entire staff of the Environmental Division.” Bill also noted that “the efforts of many individuals on a daily basis, including contractors, Tribal partners, University of New Mexico and New Mexico State University staff, are why we won this award. The three of us could not achieve this level of work by ourselves.”
It turns out that one of those "contractors" is US!
AmaTerra has assisted WSMR in many historical and archaeological projects ranging from the earliest occupants of the area to the development of Cold War missile systems. AmaTerra has held a general services contract through the installation for several years at this point. This award is a testament to the calibre of environmental and cultural resource staff at that installation and the Department of Defense as a whole.
Congratulations to WSMR cultural resource specialists Stan Berryman, Jim Bowman, and Bill Godby for the well-deserved award!
Check out the front page story in the April 28th issue of Missile Ranger, WSMR's post newspaper.