The AmaTerra Costume Contest and Chili Cookoff!
In honor of AmaTerra President, Jill Madden's, Spooooooooookyyyyy birthday, AmaTerra Environmental staff participated in their annual costume contest. With so many out in the field, we didn't have as many available to dress up, but it was still a lot of fun!

Pictured here are (l-r): Margo Gregory as a French Kiss, Mason Miller as Casual Friday Iron Man, Jill Madden as a Hippie, Mindy Bonine as Mercedes Colomar from the '90s video game Grim Fandango, Tom Eisenhour as ... well, something spooky, and Victor Palma as the Ostrich Cowboy. Good times as always!

This year, AmaTerra also held its first Chili Cookoff. Seven different recipes were judged with the top three choices being rewarded handsomely!

AmaTerra Archaeologist, Mindy Bonine (c) was the day's big winner while archaeologist, Rachel Feit (r) had to protect her eyes from her glittering Second Place trophy and NEPA specialist, Brad Hamer (l) was just thrilled to be on the podium. Pictured as well is the cookoff judge (and Jill's son) Josh Madden, chef at Austin's Swift's Attic restaurant.