The Clean Water Rule and You...
The Clean Water Act (CWA) protects the nation’s waters; a CWA permit is needed for activities that would pollute or destroy them. For...

'BING!' "That's Our Stop!" AmaTerra to Provide CR Services for Dallas Area Rap
(photo credit: Deborah Dobson-Brown) AmaTerra Environmental, Inc. will serve as an extension to the HDR/HNTB team in providing cultural...

AmaTerra Cleans Up Portions of Barton Creek Greenbelt
On Saturday, members of AmaTerra Environmental and their families set to work cleaning up a part of one of Austin's most prized...

AmaTerra Archeologist, Mason Miller, receives 2015 Council of Texas Archeologists' E. Mott Davis
AmaTerra was thrilled to learn that one of their team had been selected to receive this year's Council of Texas Archeologists' E. Mott...
AmaTerra archaeologist guest blogger on Stephen F. Austin's CRHR - Archaeology Site
AmaTerra archaeologist, Mason Miller, recently was invited as a guest writer on Stephen F. Austin Unveristy's CRHR - Archaeology Blog....

3D Modeling with the help of Stephen F. Austin's Center for Regional Heritage Research
You've seen the those nifty grooved axe blades from the recent Pineywoods survey project. We made some nice epoxy casts to preserve them...

AmaTerra continue their work at Fort Bliss
Our New Mexico team, based in Las Cruces, now totals 14 archaeologists. Our primary clients are White Sands Missile Range and Fort...

A One in a Million Find in the Pineywoods...
During a recent archaeological survey in the Pineywoods region of east Texas (conducted on behalf of the US Army Corps of Engineers),...

Peering Through the Sands of Time; AmaTerra and TxDOT's first digital publication...
AmaTerra is thrilled to announce that their first entirely digital publication, "Peering Through the Sands of Time: The Archeology of the...

Season's Greetings from all of us at AmaTerra Environmental, Inc.!
With 2014 drawing to an end, we at AmaTerra would like to thank you for playing a significant part in such an exciting year. Enjoy all of...